Air Source Heat Pump Service & Repairs Gillingham, Dorset

We provide Air Source Heat Pump services & repairs across Dorset and Wiltshire including Shaftesbury, Gillingham, Salisbury and surrounding areas.

How often should I get my heat pump serviced?

Before the winter (or summer if used for cooling) it is recommended to have the unit serviced by a professional who will conduct a more advanced check of the components and identify issues that could degrade the heat pump’s performance, which a user would not spot or be able to diagnose.

These checks will comprise of the following:

  • Check ducts for leakage and repair if necessary

  • Inspect filters, ducts, blower and indoor coil for dirt and other obstructions

  • Measure airflow is correct

  • Check refrigerant levels and pressure

  • Check all electrical contacts and ensure they are protected from the elements

  • Check for system leaks

  • Check reverse heating / cooling controls and verify they are operating as required

  • Lubricate moving belts, motors and check for damage / wear and tear

  • Check and test thermostat under normal operating conditions.

Can you offer heat pump repairs?

Yes, we can. We will come and do an investigation and see what repairs are needed. We can then quote these repairs if extensive or complete repairs on site.